For a rock-solid future.

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Fidurock is a symbol of trust, strength and longevity. Like a rock that stands the test of time.

We are a Czech real estate company that particularly invests in retail parks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as residential properties in the city centres of Prague, Bratislava, Brno and Olomouc.

Our goal is to bring properties to life 'brick by brick' with the aim of leaving traces across time. Our hard work and state-of-the-art technology allow us to create spaces and units that are not only useful today, but will continue to serve future generations.

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Commercial properties
Residential properties
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FORBES: Sonorous Wine. Developer Hauerland Expands into Audio Equipment and Slovenian Vineyards!

FORBES: Sonorous Wine. Developer Hauerland Expands into Audio Equipment and Slovenian Vineyards!

David Hauerland started his career in retail real estate but has been expanding his business into other directions for a decade now. He added to the real estate company Fidurock a showroom with premium audio equipment and also a winery in Slovenia, which he is transforming into a luxurious wine resort.

Fidurock, a real estate firm founded by Hauerland nine years ago along with Petr Valenta, whom he still owns it with today, was the beginning. Initially focused on commercial and residential properties, the investor originally concentrated solely on retail parks. Two years later, he expanded his operations into the residential segment, specifically residential properties in the centers of major cities such as Prague, Brno, or Bratislava.

"Both are defensive assets that, as we have verified during the COVID and energy crises, perform well even when the market slows down. Even when the economy is struggling, people still need somewhere to live and somewhere to shop," says Hauerland.

Moreover, his group entered the retail property market at a time when most major investors were overlooking this segment. Besides investments in residential properties, Fidurock eventually added a rental housing portfolio.

"We are still primarily developers, so we don’t buy finished apartment buildings, but rather buildings in poor condition, which we transform into modern ones with ideal dimensions for rental housing. Our yield is then naturally higher than if we had bought the apartments already finished," the entrepreneur describes.


04. 12. 2023